Monica Blanco

Monica (@lightfrequency333), a certified ThetaHealing® practitioner and instructor, is incredibly skilled at transforming blocked energy and limiting beliefs into flowing light, vitality and confidence. Monica’s life experience and unique intuitive abilities allow her to connect with her clients and students from a profound place of empathy and awareness which creates an ideal environment for healing.

Born in Guatemala and raised in Los Angeles, life was not always easy for Monica. She discovered that through her ThetaHealing® work she was able to pinpoint the root of her own suffering and use energy and meditation to alter her reality for the better. She now provides others with guidance, insight and direction by sensing their limitations associated with trauma, fears or negative attachments (wandering spirits, demons, low vibrational beings, etc.). Monica clears these energies, making room for high vibrational feelings, emotions and beliefs to be downloaded and explored.

Monica is also a Past Life Regression Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Akashic Records practitioner, Center for Spiritual Living student (formerly known as Science of Mind) and a Mindfulness practitioner, in addition to being a ThetaHealing® practitioner.

When being supported by Monica, you will always have the opportunity to be seen, heard, felt and understood.



ThetaHealing® & Clearing Sessions

ThetaHealing® is a technique that uses the mind, body and spirit to move toward a clear and positive lifestyle. This technique is used to address a wide variety of physical, emotional and spiritual challenges. With your permission, Monica is able to connect with your energy in order to work on moving fears and limiting beliefs regarding relationships, abundance, career and more. 

A typical session with Monica includes an intuitive scan, belief work, healing and a clearing. Oftentimes a muscle test (a method of tapping into the subconscious mind) will be done to identify the limiting beliefs you may have that are associated with where you are seeking change. Monica may also use muscle testing to discover entity attachments (wandering spirits, demons, low vibrational beings, etc.) and where they came from (vows, contracts, curses in this life or past-lives.) After moving through this process, Monica will then get verbal consent to heal and release these beliefs that are no longer serving you and clear your energy of entity attachments by using the ThetaHealing® technique. 

New feelings and emotions coming from Creator (high vibrational being) will then be downloaded to you. The goal is to provide you with mental clarity, a different perspective, higher vibrations and a stronger connection with Creator/Source/Universe.