I became The Spirit Guide Coach because I believe with all of my being that I was born to help people tap into the individual spirit that allows us to be beautiful, magical, and inspiring creations.

Spirit Guide Sessions
Spirit Guide Coaching is an incredibly intimate and rewarding process that allows you to hear the advice and support that your Guides have for you.

AJA regularly hosts workshops to aid you in connecting to your self, your intuition and your Guides.

The Source on Mighty Networks
Learn from AJA through intentionally curated offerings designed to support you where you are, and help you navigate the waters of your spiritual journey.

Client Experiences
“Aja! Thank you so much for the important messages you have given me from my spirit guides. This year has already brought about so many changes for me and I know without a doubt that these changes were only just the beginning in this long beautiful journey. Hearing my Spirit Guides (firm) and heartfelt words of encouragment has given me the extra fuel to continue in my evolution. It’s funny but I can actually hear my Guide shouting in my ear! I’m excited for what’s to come.”
Join AJA’s List
Sign up here for the opportunity to book a 1:1 session with Aja when her books open next season. This will now be the only way to book a session with her other than The Seeker Subscription.