Root Chakra Meditation
Root Chakra Meditation
Spirit House is a space where those pulled towards the spiritual and metaphysical can sit in circle without judgement, learn from our family of magical practitioners, and feel safe within their personal expansion.
We have felt a tidal wave of love and support from around the world. Many of you have shared your desire to connect with us, learn with us, and hold space with us. But there are still a few things on this plane for which one needs a physical body, no matter how far the astral self can travel. So, with this thought in mind, we decided to create Spirit School; a virtual space where those of you wishing to accelerate the “seeker” within can connect with Spirit House practitioners and the work we share, from the comfort of your home.
There is much to do in preparation for our launch in March, but I remind myself daily to find joy in each step, even the very small ones.
Below, you will find my Root Chakra meditation; the initial spark that supports my internal fire for the work I do each day, with both my Spirit Guides and clients.
The primary focus of this meditation is to ground your energy, allowing you to access the love of the Mother Earth, and clear what no longer serves you making room for self care and connection.
This meditation will be available on February 14th