Channeled Cards for August: Power + Communication


A channeled message from AJA’s main guide, Monty, about the month ahead:

“Hello Dear Ones,

We wish to discuss with you, the connection between power and communication.

Are you feeling powerful in your ability to communicate your current beliefs with yourself as well as with those around you?

We have been noticing an avalanche of emotion, but these emotions are not being linked or rooted properly alongside language, which is the catalyst for deep connection and integration which brings (that’s right)... CHANGE.

Without this link, this unity, rifts and cracks appear. These are not the cracks we believe can overturn lies; they are cracks that reveal a heart that is true, but lacking the knowledge to unlock the gates to freedom.

You must continue to seek out those with the knowledge to spare and share.


Will you choose a higher self-education rooted in principles and beliefs that connect to the language and ethics of love?


Continue your own exploration and discovery so that your fire is solid as stone, not soft like dirt.

You need to understand fully and completely what you believe in about yourself and the world, or else you’ll run the risk of running in circles again. And let us be clear—we have no more time for circles and repetition.

We need change, we need evolution, we need truth and justice.

When you engage with yourself, do you ask:

Am I changing?

Am I evolving?

Am I truthful?

Am I just?

Will you choose a higher self-education rooted in principles and beliefs that connect to the language and ethics of love?

Do you believe choosing to do the work required is not only worth doing, but is an honor to be embraced?

What is your answer?”

With love,