Channeled Message for November: Spark


This is a time when many resign themselves to giving up on dreams, prayers and promises that were made earlier in the year. This is a time when many of us CHOOSE to forget what we have vowed to provide for ourselves and those we love due to the impending new year approaching.

It is possible that you believe that you may as well throw in the towel and simply wait for the new year portal to open once again.

But we implore you not to do this. We ask that you reignite the spark within you. Wish for more than what currently is. Desire for dreams to be incorporated into your reality. We ask that you take the time to discover what can help you move the needle so that you can feel the change. Feel the propulsion forward that the simplest of tasks can set into motion.


November invites you to reignite the spark within you. Do not give up on yourself as the year comes to a close.


Do not give up on yourself or act as though this timeline no longer fits - this year is not a pair of ill-fitted jeans or shoes that feel a bit too tight and therefore must be thrown out.

Every single day is still filled with promise and opportunity. Every day can be filled with more… well, YOU.

What you choose to do will have a direct effect on your future.

Which reflection of yourself do you choose to empower?

As always, it is all up to you.

Sent with love and fire,
