November's Cosmic Forecast: Endings + Rebirth


Scorpio Season

After a playful introduction to autumn with airy Libra energy, we are asked to dive deep into our depths with the arrival of Scorpio season. The month of November brings in self discovery, transformation, rebirth, and the changing of self perspective. November is the 11th month of the year, the numerology of divine alignment, spiritual connection, and new beginnings. This month we are challenged to shed our old way of being for a truer, more fulfilling existence. This energy may feel more serious and heavy, but it is a reminder that we must live our lives with intention. Scorpio doesn’t take anything lightly, always seeking the deeper meaning of life. They don’t believe in stunting their personal growth in order to remain comfortable. The scorpion represents this fixed water sign, an animal known for its resilience and protective yet poisonous stinger. Ruled by Pluto in contemporary astrology, the planet of death and rebirth, this sign is truly the pheonix of the astrological wheel! You can use this energy to shed old existences and identities with grace and ferocity. Lean into the new with courage vs fear! Scorpio reminds us that life is a series of constant change and rediscovery of the self.
Scorpio season pop culture: Ryan Gosling is best known for his smoldering stare, his provocative roles, and private persona. Although classified as a Hollywood heartthrob, this Canadian actor picks projects that challenge this classic stereotype. Walking the fine balance of public and personal, Ryan makes sure to keep his public life separate from his family and home. Every movie we see this star in creates a different persona of who we believe Ryan to be. We can learn from this actor how to navigate multiple worlds at once while maintaining an air of mystique and mystery!

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, November 8th

On November 8th, we will experience a full moon eclipse in the earthy and sensual Taurus! Lunar Eclipses amplify the energy and themes of the full moon. Rather than taking action during this transit, it’s important to observe what the universe is trying to reveal to you. Taurus is a very tactile sign, using all the senses to connect to the world around it. It’s also the sign most tapped into the natural abundance flow of finances and material matter. With this full moon eclipse, we will be asked to reevaluate what abundance and prosperity means to us. You can start to see patterns with how you stand in your way when it comes to money and finances! Take all the information that is revealed to you with openness, learning how to utilize it moving forward in order to heal your relationship with money and the material sectors of your life. 

Full moon/Total Eclipse in Taurus pop culture: In the movie “Hustlers”, Jennifer Lopez and her crew of dancers begin a scam on their clientele that leads to the quick rise and fall of their group. With a full moon eclipse in Taurus, it’s important to remember not everything is at it seems in the material sense. Don’t make any investments that seem too good to be true! This full moon eclipse is asking us to remain grounded in our material beliefs as we watch truths be revealed all around us.

Full moon/Total Eclipse in Taurus reflection: Where do my financial beliefs stem from and how are they harmful or supportive to me? What do I value in my life and what do I want to pour into?


November is a month of abundance, communion, and celebration! With our universe working with strong Sagittarius energy and more planets stationing direct, we can breathe easier with the second to last month of the year.


November 16th, Venus enters Sagittarius

On November 16th, our love planet, Venus, will enter fiery and inspirational Sagittarius. Love truly has no limitations when Venus enters this mutable fire sign! It’s an encouraging time for travel, discovery, and exploration. Allow yourself to expand beyond what traditional relationships look like. How can you make your partnership thrive outside of the norm? It’s important to remember that every relationship dynamic will be different and bring its own set of lessons. Pursue new experiences to hone in on what you truly desire!

Venus in Sagittarius pop culture: "Away We Go" is a movie about a young couple traveling across America to find the perfect home for their family. As they travel far and wide, they continue to discover that home is found within one another. For a Sagittarius Venus transit, it's important to remember love has no distance. Sagittarius understands that connection does not know time or space. Take inspiration from all walks of life and different type of people during this time!

Venus in Sagittarius reflection: What makes me feel limitless in love? How can I choose to step out of my comfort zone in regards to relationships and partnerships?

November 17th, Mercury enters Sagittarius

On November 17th, Mercury, our planet of communication, will enter mutable fire sign, Sagittarius. When this quick moving planet moves into this equally fast paced sign, it can inspire idealistic and inspiring conversations! We can be mentally and creatively stimulated by those of different cultures or practices. Sagittarius is very optimistic energy, but it can also feel like a dose of truth serum has entered our lives. It's important to discern what's worth debating and putting our energy into during this transit. Remember that not all arguments are worth the battle, others have the right to a difference of opinion. Your perspective may seem like the only one that matters but try and be discerning. Speak your truth, but be open to hearing perspectives outside of your own! 

Mercury enters Sagittarius pop culture: Nicki Minaj is known for her individuality, her hard hitting lyrics, and for speaking her truth unapologetically. She openly vocalizes the disparities between women and men in the hip hop industry. During this transit it's a good time to advocate for your needs and ideas openly. Push the boundaries in order to receive what you need. There's no one able to do what you can do, be proud to show your talents and skills off to the world!

Mercury In Sagittarius reflection: Where in my life do I need to better advocate for myself? How am I inspired by those who may live a different lifestyle than my own? 

November 20th, Vesta enters Pisces

On November 20th, the asteroid Vesta will enter magical and spiritual Pisces. Vesta is our asteroid of inner desires and passions, what makes us feel alive! In Pisces, our beliefs especially around higher power and spirituality will be in focus. Do you operate from your intuition and do you listen to yourself when important decisions arise? This is an excellent transit to fine tune and reflect on if your spiritual beliefs and practices are in alignment. Believe that something higher than yourself is assisting you on your journey!

Vesta enters Pisces pop culture: "The Discovery of Witches" is a UK based show on Hulu that follows a historian on the hunt for the truth of Ashmole 72 with the assistance of a vampire! As a witch, Diana has been raised to not trust vampires but is willing to take his help to solve her mystery. Be open to challenging your beliefs in order to grow and be more open minded!

Vesta enters Pisces reflection: How can I better acknowledge my intuition? Which of my spiritual practices wants to expand?

November 22nd, Sun enters Sagittarius 

On November 22nd, our universe enters a Sagittarius stellium when our Sun moves into the mutable fire sign! Sagittarius is connected to our higher education, ideals, and beliefs. Ruled by Jupiter, this sign is naturally lucky and receives what it wants with easy manifesting skills. We can feel more jubilant and optimistic with this transit, a shift from the heavier Scorpio energy of the last month. We can have a more confident, and more self assured nature over the next three weeks. Choose to dream bigger, don't take no for answer, and imagine more for yourself! This is the true Sagittarius way.

Sun in Sagittarius pop culture: Janelle Monae is a true Sagittarius starlet. Creating her own unique sound and musical identity, this artist cannot be contained within one creative box. Don't let others define you or your creativity! You are a force to be reconned with, take up space proudly.

Sun in Sagittarius reflection: In what ways is my individuality a superpower? In what ways do I want the universe to provide me with more joy and luck?

November 23rd, New Moon in Sagittarius

On November 23rd, we will celebrate a new moon transit in Sagittarius! Our energy can feel restless and explorative during this moon phase. If you've been called to cross borders and explore outside of your regular stomping grounds, now is the time to do so. Some of us will be moving or preparing to relocate with this new moon energy. We can feel energized and ready to take on our challenges with full force under this fiery sign. Sagittarius is not overly concerned with taking risks, they understand things are always working out to their benefit! Have the confidence of knowing that whatever happens, the universe is always looking out for you and will catch you every time you have faith in its power.

New Moon in Sagittarius culture: Horror genre king Jordan Peele took a risk moving into a sector of cinema that was not diverse. Known for his stylistic approach to the horror genre, cast inclusivity, and play on societal fears, this creator has made his own unique path in Hollywood. Previously known for his comedy work, this didn't stop Peele from branching into unknown territory. The more you allow yourself to follow your heart's desires and to expand, the more abundance and blessings you will receive with this Sagittarius new moon!

New Moon in Sagittarius reflection: In what ways have I been limiting my vision? How can I trust in the universe more in practical ways?

November 23rd Jupiter Direct in Pisces 

We get a double dose of magic as we celebrate a new moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter stationing direct in Pisces on the same day! This is a fortunate transit that allows our manifestations to move forward in a very lucky and abundant way. When Jupiter goes direct, it usually brings a wave of good luck and fortune into our lives. Going direct in Pisces means we can see this boost in our spiritual practice, creativity, and can watch our dreams unfold in real time. Believing in something bigger than yourself is key during this transit. You can see things you've been waiting on manifest in your reality. Believe that miracles can happen for you! Trust that your greater visions exist for a very divine reason.

Jupiter direct in Pisces pop culture: Whitney Houston's rendition of "Impossible" from Cinderella epitomizes Jupiter direct energy. Anything can happen if you have belief in yourself and a little bit of magic! With Jupiter in Pisces, believe that your life could be a fairytale, if you so choose to envision it. Fantasy can become a reality with a blink of an eye!

Jupiter in Pisces reflection: Where have I seen miracles happen in my life? What would I like to see manifest quickly for me? 

November 30th, Pallas Retrograde in Cancer

On November 30th, our Pallas asteroid will retrograde in Cancer. Cancer is a deeply emotional and nurturing sign. Connected to family and our domestic sectors, it's time to turn our attention to those that are closest to us. You may notice familial patterns that are holding back your family or relatives. Generational healing and ancestral veneration are great to do during this time. Remember to practice compassion with yourself and others during this transit, as heavier emotions and tough conversations may arise. Remember that every relationship is a reflection of your own healing journey!

Pallas Retrograde in Cancer pop culture: "The Kids are Alright" is a movie about an unconventional family dynamic that's interrupted by the surprise arrival of the children's sperm donor. This brings discord and tough conversations to the forefront of this family as they address parenthood and what it means as well as personal boundaries. This retrograde is about facing our truths within our units and healing what needs to be addressed. Hold space for another to be open and as truthful as possible!

What generational patterns would I like to see healed in my family? What generational patterns do I see within myself that are valuable?

November is a month of abundance, communion, and celebration! With our universe working with strong Sagittarius energy and more planets stationing direct, we can breathe easier with the second to last month of the year. Scorpio Season teaches us that endings and rebirths are necessary to our spiritual growth and healing. Facing our shadows allows for us to expand beyond our personal limitations! The more we challenge ourselves to step outside of our comfort zone, the more paths we create for ourselves to abundance. It's important to remember that the universe is rooting for us and wants us to succeed! Have faith that you will receive all that you ask for, with a combination of your hard work and spiritual belief anything is possible this month!

NOVEMBER Horoscopes

Want to read about how this month’s astrology will impact your sign? Join The Source to receive access to Ellen’s monthly horoscopes!



Ellen Bowles

Ellen Bowles is a healer, astrologer, Tarot reader and co-host of the Woke Mystic Podcast. As community healing is one of her passions, Ellen hosts virtual workshops on Tarot, astrology, full moons and ancestral healing on a regular basis.

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