Prehnite: Empowerment of the Heart
Photo by Ashley Abbott @sacredfem
Prehnite is a stone of deep heart healing. Not only deep heart healing, but empowerment of the heart. Prehnite creates a clear energy flow between our personal power and our hearts, bypassing the ego. This allows for clean and clear action on our part; as we align our work and service with our heart space, we let go of the egoic chatter that may distract us from our true purpose.
Not only does this stone align us with our own heart of the soul, but it aligns us with the heart of the earth, the heart of nature and of the planet as a whole (and all the beings who reside here). Again, this moves us away from the ego and back into a space of true service, of accountability, and of profound love.
Prehnite creates a clear and direct line of communication to the realm of the higher self. This stone is considered a powerful tool for readers, psychics, and healers, as it is supportive in getting one out of their own way, and helping them to become a clear channel.
Prehnite is a stone deeply connected to the realm of faeries and their magic. Working with this stone in meditation can encourage its keeper to develop their “listening” as they open up to their spiritual guides, angels, and messages of the soul.
Ashley Abbott
Our resident Crystal Shepherdess. Connect with Ashley @sacredfem for an online Crystal Reading—a deep dive into your own personal process to uncover the blind spots holding you back from your most authentic and empowered self.