Guided By Spirit Oracle Deck

Guided By Spirit Oracle Deck
This deck is an offering, a love letter between the living and the dead. I want you to speak to your Guides, and for your Guides to speak back! This deck provides that connection- between the seen and the unseen.
36 gorgeously illustrated cards, encapsulating universal themes, to accelerate your connection and clarity to the Other Side.
AJA Daashuur (The Spirit Guide Coach) has created an oracle deck for you and your Spirit Guides!
An open door to the language of Spirit with descriptions channeled by AJA's most trusted allies through the veil.
The Guided by Spirit Oracle deck enables the seeker to create a tangible and lasting connection to those who have been with you since the beginning
A connection of unconditional love that can lead to unparalleled transformation.
Your order makes my magick not only possible, but sustainable.
Thank you for keeping the dream of collective connection to the unconditional love of Spirit Guides alive.